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Tuning 521WHP Mitsubishi EVO 5 - Autronic SM4

Dynoresult Mitsubishi EVO 5

Max wheelpower: 521whp
Max engine power: 631hk
Max wheel torque: 554Nm
Estimated max torque: 659Nm
Power/l: 316hk
Engine: Mitsubishi 4G63
Engine volume: 2000cc
Supercharger: Precision 6057
Max boost: 2bar
Engine control: Autronic SM4
Fuel: E85
Owner: Staffan
Presented wheel horse power (whp) can not be comparable with hub horse power (hhp) or braked horse power (bhp). Losses specified is ~80% traction losses between tire and roll, the rest is drivetrain friction losses.
Whp is the actual power that really moves the vehicle!

Powercurve Mitsubishi EVO 5

Powercurve Mitsubishi EVO 5
Tuning Mitsubishi EVO 5 - Autronic SM4