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Chiptuning 142WHP Volvo V50 - Orginal ECU

Dynoresult Volvo V50

Max wheelpower: 142whp
Max engine power: 168hk
Max wheel torque: 317Nm
Estimated max torque: 380Nm
Power/l: 84hk
Engine: Not specified
Engine volume: 2000cc
Supercharger: Orginal
Engine control: Orginal ECU
Fuel: Diesel
Owner: Emanuel C
Presented wheel horse power (whp) can not be comparable with hub horse power (hhp) or braked horse power (bhp). Losses specified is ~80% traction losses between tire and roll, the rest is drivetrain friction losses.
Whp is the actual power that really moves the vehicle!

Powercurve Volvo V50

Powercurve Volvo V50
Chiptuning Volvo V50 - Orginal ECU